Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
Yosef Meller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ps -A | grep -i firefox > /dev/null

I think you are in danger here: your grep is a separate process and it *may* appear in the process table and be grepped (since the command line contains what you are looking for) even when firefox is not run. There is no lock that says grep does not start until ps finishes reading the process table.

ps -A does not show command line arguments, so we're safe here. But see below...

One useful trick is "egrep -i [f]irefox", another is "grep -v grep".

RedHat have /usr/bin/pgrep and /usr/bin/pkill utilities, and I have used

pname () { /bin/ps auxww | /bin/egrep "$@" | /bin/grep -v egrep

pnum () { pname "$@" | /bin/awk '{print $2}'

pkill () { kill -9 `pnum [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in my .bashrc since before RedHat introduced theirs.

Another, related point: your script is only good for a single-user
machine. Since "ps -A" lists *all* processes then your grep may find
someone else's firefox. You will be better off parsing the long output
of ps and finding your own firefox. E.g. RedHat's pgrep will allow

OK, let's use: ps auxc | grep $USER | grep $FIREFOX

The 'c' displays the true executable name without command line args, achieving much the same effect of ps -A, and I think this is a bit more elegant.

Finally, it should be relatively easy to make your script work for any
browser that supports a variant of "-remote" option. You may pass the
browser and the option on the command line, or via the environment,
with "firefox" and "-remote" as default values.

I guess you're right, but I don't know any other browser that suports that.

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