On Sun, Oct 24, 2004, Dan Kenigsberg wrote about "fedora core support plan":
> Not long ago, a friend told me that the Fedora project stopped releasing updates
> for FC1, and that I should redirect my yum configuration to fedoralegacy.org.
> Is that true?

Unfortunately it is. And they chose an extremely stupid (the way I see it)
time to do it: when the second test release of Fedora Core 3 was released.
This means that a month before Fedora Core 3 was released, Fedora Core 1 users
find themselves without official security patches. What are these users
supposed to do? Upgrade to Fedora Core 2 just a month before 3 is released?

Personally I'm going to wait a few weeks (see below) and upgrade directly
from FC1 to FC3.

> Why is this headache required?

Like I said, I find this stupid.

> Is it RedHat making the life of freeriders harder?

Which free-riders? After all, there is no commercial Fedora Core sales
(unlike Red Hat Linux z"l which could be bought in stores), so who are
they trying to annoy?

> Where can I see Fedora's support plan?

According to the announcement in http://fedora.redhat.com/, FC1 was transferred
to legacy one month after the original plan. Indeed the FAQ -
http://fedora.redhat.com/about/faq/, says:

   "Updates will be available for two to three months after the release of
    the subsequent version; that is, updates for Fedora Core 1 will be
    provided for two to three months after the release of Fedora Core 2,
    and so forth."

which is worse than what actually happened (where FC1 was updated for about
4-5 months after FC2's release).

P.S. Fedora Core 3 was due to have been finished a few days ago, and
officially released to the general public on November 8.
(see http://fedora.redhat.com/participate/schedule/)

Nadav Har'El                        |      Sunday, Oct 24 2004, 9 Heshvan 5765
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |mouse gets the cheese.

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