Thank you for your reply but,
It seems to me you confused things.
The printer is physically attached to a MS machine and is shared. It works OK on the MS machine. All I want to do is use it from my Linux. I do not see what it has to do with samba server part.
As it seems to me, the files I want to send for printout should be filtered (have "driver").
I defined everything using kprinter with a wizard (on KDE 3.3.0. (the interface is terrible but at least it can browse for the printer)). At some part I had to specify the printer type - driver. Hence the error messages I received.

Daniel Feiglin wrote:

I don't understand the sarcasm either. Sarcasm is the cheapest form of wit.

I have a similar setup with Win 98 SE clients using an HP 5550 on a Linux/Samba setup. (For what it's worth, I'm using SuSE 9.1, kernel 2.6.5-7.111, KDE 3.2 and Samba 3.0.2a-5.1)

1. Set up your printer under Linux using CUPS, which you seem to have done. The presence or absence of KDE should be immaterial. I presume that the printer runs OK locally.

2. Make sure Samba is set up with you printer as a share. The share section of your configuration should look something like this:

These first two items were generated at install time. I haven't touched them in any way. I don't even know if they are both needed:

comment = All Printers
path = /var/tmp
create mask = 0600
printable = yes
browseable = no

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
write list = @ntadmin root
force group = ntadmin
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

This is my printer:

comment = HP-5550
path = /var/tmp
read only = No
create mask = 0600
guest ok = yes
printable = yes
printer name = printer
oplocks = No

3. You really need to ensure that your Win client "sees" the Linux machine in its workgroup along with whatever you have defined as sharable. There are some "funny" differences between Win 2000 and Win 98 clients, which I won't go into here. There is NO need to start kprinter from anywhere; as far as I can see, Samba sends everything to CUPS. It could be that kprinter is actually interfering.

And since we're on Linux/Win/Samba, does anyone know wky on my rig, SWAT doesn't want to come up: "The connection was refused while ateempting to contact". Other things like (CUPS) come up OK. (It's just a niusance; there are other ways of modifying samba.conf, not the least of which is ye goode olde text editor.)

I hope that helps.


David Harel wrote:

I really don't understand your sarcasm. I guess you are making a fool of me but I still didn't get it.
Yet I do not know how to fix the problem. Is it a driver issue or merely a setup issue I did not do correctly?

Omer Zak wrote:

Of course, the printer driver is having a serious problem. You'll need to found a big organization to have the world get rid of the problem. You have precedents in the form of the FSF and RMS (who had his own printer driver troubles).

(I just could not resist saying this, as the GNU and GPL started from a problem a stubborn guy had with a printer driver. :-) )

David Harel wrote:


I defined a remote printer on an MS W2000 using samba. The printer is an Epson Stylus C43.
When I try to print the test page I get on the terminal (I started kprinter manually from a shell) the following error message:
kprinter: WARNING: KFilterBase::findFilterByExtension : no filter found for text/plain

Of course the printout is jammed.
What do you think is the problem?

My machine is:
HP Omnibook 6000 running gentoo with kernel 2.4.26-gentoo-r9, KDE 3.3.0 and cups 1.1.20-r3

                                             --- Omer
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David Harel,


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