
What is the time and quality wise optimal way to check (and remap where possible) harddisk for bad blocks (with no useful data on it)?
I see following ways:
1. cat /dev/zero > /dev/hdc
It will remap all bad blocks (if any) onto reserved blocks.
I would not know about the remaps though.
I will not have progress indicator.

2. badblocks -s /dev/hdc
It will show any bad blocks, but will not try to remap them onto reserved blocks (by writing zero) into them.

3. badblocks -n /dev/hdc
Both of the above, but requires double scan for every block. Harddisks are of 200GB and one-direction scan takes about 2 hours.

4. smartctl -O /dev/hdc
Runs S.M.A.R.T. Immediate off-line Test (The disks have SMART capability).
The test works for about 80 minutes, but I am not sure what it does.

Bye,  | Phone: (972)-2-6795364
Arieh | Fax:   (972)-2-6796453

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