On Sun, 2004-11-21 at 23:54, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please excuse the somewhat-offtopic subject. I think it concerns and
> interests quite many people here.
[... snipped ...]
> I might have a few mistakes in the above (e.g. maybe VNC is smarter
> than I thought, I read only little of the docs), but you'll agree
> that the fact that Unix/Linux had remote display for more than 15
> years, but almost no useful session persistence, while Windows has
> only around 7 years of remote display, with comfortable persistence
> from day one - is simply amazing.
> So, can anyone shed some light? Am I missing something? Does anyone
> here have experience with implementing such stuff? I am interested
> in this both for home and work - they have, obviously, different
> needs and options.
> If you think this discussion has no place on linux-il, say so, and
> I'll move this to another place (any suggestions, BTW?).

I believe the subject to be on-topic for Linux-IL.
While I do not remember the exact buzzword for it, a solution exists for
Linux, I think.  Maybe the relevant buzzword is related to 'screen' and
                                         --- Omer
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