On Thursday 02 December 2004 16:51, Amit Roseberger wrote:
> Unfortunately for me, it seems as if the new Monitor I just received was 
> broken. (I've tested it on a few other boxes always with the same 
> results... blurry strap that runs from the upper end of the screen to 
> the bottom.)

Hmmm.. A monitor with bad display under Linux is later found to
be mulfunctioning.

Over the years, most of the times I had "weird" hardware
behavior with Linux, I later found out the hardware was broken
(memory chips, motherboard, fans/heat, UDMA disk from WD that
had buggy UDMA firmware, etc.)

> >>How come Windows (I.E) detection of new hardware is superior? (I have to
> >>apologize on this last sentence in advance.. but at least in my
> >>experience it is)

  If it does not work right with Linux, the hardware is probably
  broken :-)

  When you want a certification for quality hardware, always
  ask: "Can you show me how it works with Linux?"

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
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