On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 03:14:43AM +0200, Rafi Cohen wrote:

> 3. Concerning Linux: there are 2 options, one being a text only mode and the
> other, X-Windows.
> For the text mode, there is an open source driver supporting nerly all the
> existing braile displays and it's called brltty. you may find details at:
> http://mielke.cc/brltty.
> 4. The X-Windows environment is the more problematic one.
> Up to now, I did not hear of any official announcement for any accessibility
> success for the KDE interface, althoug I know that in Sun Microsystems there
> is a team working on this issue.
> Concerning Gnome, there is an accessibility software called Gnopernicus. For
> details go to:
> http://www.baum.ro. However, I did not have feedback about how good it is
> and to which extent it gives accessability.

The following has to be asked:

Considering the fact that Unix has high-quality software for its
text-mode console (and terminals in general), and many programs are 
actually tty-oriented (or can easily behave so), what is currently 
missing for you in text-mode?

For instance: I would check 'nmh' or even 'mail' for mailing, as it is
more tty-oriented. Same goes for (that's right) ex, after proper

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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