I am trying to secure a new server and as I am not an a real security expert I'd be glad to get some inuput. This is a Fedore-3 based server (I already shut down cupd - why do they need this in a server anyway ?) I ran nmap on the server and got this:

Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh
55/tcp     filtered    isi-gl
80/tcp     open        http
135/tcp    filtered    loc-srv
137/tcp    filtered    netbios-ns
138/tcp    filtered    netbios-dgm
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn
225/tcp    open        unknown
443/tcp    open        https
445/tcp    filtered    microsoft-ds
4444/tcp   filtered    krb524
12345/tcp  filtered    NetBus
12346/tcp  filtered    NetBus
27374/tcp  filtered    subseven

Port 22 and 80 are OK I guess I'll have to shut down the betbios and microsft-ds things, what are these? Samba ?

I was surprised to see NetBus ports. I though this meant my server was *already* broken in (this is a brand new machine).

Any specific RTFM would be also appreciated.


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