> Hi Arie,
> I would like to know what problems did you find regarding nikud in Qt,
> as I did not find any.
> Which Qt version?  which distro (as they patch those libraries quite a
> lot, you will find sometimes bugs on the official versions, and not in
> distos ones)

Well, when displaying nikkud, everything except for the dagesh is all
right. The dagesh, however, appears shifted to the left, touching the left
leg of the letter (think heh or 'het).

When printing, however, all diacritics are shifted half a position to the
left, basically what OOo does, except that OOo doesn't even do it right on
screen, something which Qt mostly does correctly (see dagesh above).

Some users claim not to have experienced these problems, but Qt's staff
reproduced the buggy results with Qt-text, a small demo app.

You can check out the attachments to the kde bug report:

BTW, I just noticed that I posted the wrong url in my initial post. So, I
am copying in the list.


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