Ori Idan wrote:

I tried to do trasfer severl times, The field did not dissapear but the message was not endless loop, I could do the transfer without many problems.

On Firefox 1.0, the messages are shown in an endless loop. Once you step into the field, you have no choice. Maybe you have some customization that prevents endless loops of messages?

As for the menus being reversed, I use firefox and usually a simple refresh displayes them the right direction.

I especially mentioned Mozilla 1.8 (not yet released). Firefox 1.0 did not include the fix for bug 246700 yet. Firefox 1.1 will include the fix. With this fix, the menus will always be reversed.

I know the reason why they are reversed in the first place (no, it's not an issue of their site being Visual). The site owners won't take care of it, though.

I find Bank Hapoalim support for Non IE browsers enough for me, I hear the situation with other banks is much worse.

Currently, major parts of it are usable. However, with their attitude, many more things can break unexpectedly. For example, they may decide all of a sudden to "improve" their "Over-va-shav" page, and in the process will make it broken on Mozilla -- simply because they'll never check it on Mozilla.

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