On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Diego Iastrubni wrote:

> Hi Eli,


> I was talking to Shlomif, and we were thinking of installing that system in
> iglu. However... since it's not available, the source code is not
> downloadable, we could not install it.

Sources are not yet released.

> I sure would like to use it for KDE translation, as long as there is one man
> who coordinates the synchronization between the version on Rosetta and the
> KDE CVS, since I am not sure about the quality of the translators, I simply
> do not feel satisfied with that solution. If anyone can get an account and
> change translations, he can mess the translations.

There are working on various ways to prevent that from happening,
In the end the whole system would be moderated and then we can make a
person responsible for kde moderation.

> We at KDE-il have a tradition in which we coach new translators, and we
> validate their work before they get a CVS account. This is done to learn the
> level of that translator, and to teach him about our standards. We also have
> a set of translation guidelines, which must be checked before we commit files
> (we even follow them sometimes! lol...):
> http://kde.org/il/hebrew/guidelines/

Yea I read it, didn' understand what you guys has against !;)

> Helping is a good idea, but you must be assured that the translations "are
> good enough" (TM) for our team. Different teams have different translations.
> For example, the sentence:
> "you must save the document before closing the application"
> Should be translated in Mandrake as:
> "יש לשמור את המסמך לפני סגירת היישום"
> (yesh lishmor et hamismah lifnei sgirat haisum)
> While in KDE we would translate as
> "עליך לשמור את המסמך לפני סגירת היישום"
> (aliha lishmor et hamismah lifnei sgirat haisum)
> The reason for that translation in Mandrake is that in from of the computer is
> not always male, and even tough the academia does specify that the male form
> in Hebrew is also a neutral one, it just does not sound good.


> 2 questions from me to you, if you don't mind:
> 1) what standards, or guidelines, will you have for Hebuntu tools (or Debian
> tools)

We are going to use free-hebrew.org and hod-hami/morfix for chosing words
I read your standard in kde.org/il it seems ok but I need to get the
agreement of gnome hebrew team first.
Anyhow if we somehow can't agree on a standard moderation for specific
project can be done only by specific people which would "solve" the

> 2) as you realize, you are trying to manage translations of different teams,
> with different guidelines, and many times those guidelines will not be equal.
> How will you enforce the guidelines of those projects in your system?

That's where I don't agree, I think we should work out a standard
that all the translation in the system would go by, not only same wording
but same style as well, that's the only way to deliver high quality system
to hebrew speaking crowed.
I strongly believe that we can get to agreement that would make everyone
happy and go by it, I saw [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a bit slow and that
free-hebrew.org is missing more than a few important words I hope that if
kde/gnome hebrew teams would both use rosetta it would also provide a
place to easily compare translations and talk about style and wording.
and hopefully avoid needing to have different moderation/different
training for different projects.

maybe we should start a thread on it on some mailing list or another?


> Feel free to respond me offlist if you think this is too OT for linux-il.
> בSaturday 22 January 2005 22:48, נכתב על ידי Ely Levy:
> > Hey,
> > I saw the artical on whatsup about the rosetta projects and the comments
> > of people about it.
> > I just wanted to clear up few points.
> >
> > rosetta is in a testing stage, many of the features people noticed are
> > missing would be adding in the next 2-3 weeks, things as updating the
> > project list to include all packages in ubuntu and adding all the already
> > existing po file from them. Moderation options are going to be added as
> > well to keep high quality/standarized translations.
> >
> > We are going to use rosetta to make an hebrew localized version of
> > ubuntu. We are now testing it to see how well it works with hebrew
> > (we reported some bidi bugs) and on the writing on howto use rosetta
> > which would be on hebuntu's wiki.
> >
> > We didn't decide yet on the guidelines for translation, but it would use
> > free-hebrew, it's already coordinated with the dolfin (the guy who
> > translate gnome to hebrew) and would be translated hopefully with the kde
> > team as well. If they would like to even have one of them moderate the kde
> > package translation when moderation option would be up.
> > didn't get to e-mail them but if one of them reading this
> > now please e-mail me.
> >
> > Another point people talked about was how translation is going to get back
> > to the original project, the answer is simple we are taking care of it,
> > if someone wishes to be responsible for a specific package please email us
> > on [EMAIL PROTECTED] we already got gnome covered.
> >
> > rosetta would also have the option that people working on the ubuntu's
> > development could update their translations almost on the fly from what is
> > on rosetta and therefore things would be easily tested.
> >
> > If you are seeing options which are missing in rosetta you are more than
> > welcome to submit a bug report out of experience they do care and listen
> > to the community.
> >
> > Everyone are ofcourse welcome to start working in rosetta now, but I think
> > that it would be much more productive in 2-3 weeks. People who wish the
> > participate and influance the hebuntu project are welcome to join our
> > mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] but be warned we are still preety much
> > starting:-)
> >
> > P.S
> > If someone can add it as a respond to the whatsup artical I would be
> > gratfull.:-)
> >
> > Ely Levy
> > System group
> > Hebrew University
> > Jerusalem Israel
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> diego, kde-il translation team, http://www.kde.org/il
> Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
> See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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