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rami rosen wrote:
| Hello,
| I have the habbit of reading the lkml fom time to time.
| So,in a thread on somewhat a different topic, from the beginning of this
| month, (3/1/05) I saw a message from one of the authors (Jonathan Corbet).
| According to him at will be due at LinuxWorld in
| Boston as other mentioned here;
| Notice that according to the thread , a third author joined them (Greg
| Kroach Hartman)  , he is  known for his contribution to Linux Kernel (he
| is the maintainer of USB and PCI and others) ; and he is also known
| for  many articles he wrote (in lwn.net,linux journal and more).

That's great. I have managed to find it at amazon.com (by an ISBN) and
they list only one author -- J. Corbet. I thought, he will be the one to
do the work of adaptation of the book to 2.6.
Now I wonder what will be the fastest way to lay my greedy hands on it. :)
- --

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