On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 12:36 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Omer Zak wrote:
> >Why is it proprietary solution of the worst kind?
> >  
> >
> Ooops! Forgot to put in my explicit humor disclaimer. My bad.

I too omitted the explicit humor disclaimer.

> The code is free, your programmer isn't (to paraphrase on a certain 
> commercial entity's slogan).

This is not accurate.
Sometimes programmers are free - when they volunteer to work on a Free
Software project at their own time.

But I suppose that no one would be interested in volunteering to
manually convert Perl into C.
                                         --- Omer
Some programmers are like whores with boyfriends:  some projects get
programming time for free, and others must pay for it.
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