ik wrote:

First of all thank you for all the replies.

my LANG is set on he_IL.UTF-8
and even when I change it into he_IL.ISO8859-8 the problem remains.
Please note that it also applies on LC_CTYPE.

I Will compile WINE and try from there.

Be sure to have freefonts-dev on your machine. In general, run "apt-get build-dep wine" before you start. Will save you lots of headaches later on.

Also, be sure to read http://www.winehq.org/?issue=218#How%20To%20Set%20Up%20BiDi%20Support. Installing icu-dev on Debian MAY prove enough for you. In any case, don't take the "no-shared" advice given there - it doesn't work.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.

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