On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 13:14:30 +0200, Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another thing to note is that I'm not sure Python code will be understandable
> by people who are not familiar with it, with OOP, etc. Pseudo-code can be
> understood by people with a minimal amount of CS education.


I think Pseudo-code needs to transmit an idea. Describe an idea in a
way that is relatively accurate and compact. When you want to describe
an algorithm in a way that it can be readily programmed.

It does NOT NOT NOT need to be understood by people without CS
education or little CS education, because writing pseudo-code already
intends your article to this type of audience.

>From my experience with real people, python-esque pseudo-code is well
understood by people 'skilled in the art'. Even 2-page algorithms.

And Shlomi, stop nitpicking. If there is one way to find the len() of
an object, and that limits you in the pseudo-code that you are
writing, well, I can't do anything for you, but for me (and I believe
for most) it is EASIER to READ pseudo-code written in a single,
consistant way. Yes I know it's the one-way vs. many-ways argument,
but I think it holds especially for code that is read ONLY by humans,
and almost never by a computer.

-- Arik

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