On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 19:28 +0200, Aaron wrote:

> 2. There are a bunch of applications which are a frontend to mysql.
> I installed them but when I tried running all of them I meet a brick
> wall. Create a new database asks me for information which I give and
> which it rejects:
> Hostname: (I give localhost)
> username(superuser for mysql?) I give my mysql root user 
> id I give my mysql root password
> to a tee they all reject the log in, I can't figure out what I am
> doing wrong. I even created a new user with password and tried this.
> Maybe the superuser isn't root?
> Until I can connect I have no way of evaluating these applications.
> Can someone give me a clue what I am doing wrong?

The MySQL users have no relationship to Unix/Linux users.
If you didn't already set the password of MySQL root user, then the
password is empty.

After ensuring that the mysqld daemon is already working (in Debian
Sarge, check using 'ps ax | egrep mysql' and if necessary, start the
daemon using '/etc/init.d/mysql start' ), modify the password by the
following command:

  mysqladmin -u root password _newpassword_

where '_newpassword_' is a password which you want to use for MySQL

If root already has a password, then consult documentation (basically,
the mysqld - MySQL daemon - has to be restarted with the
--skip-grant-tables option).
                                                   --- Omer

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