I suggest that someone also try to access Bank Discount's Web site using
a text browser (such as lynx), and if there are problems there too -
make a complaint to the appropriate bodies concerned with Web site
accessibility to people with disabilities.

The issue at stake is not only accessibility to blind people, but also
people with motor disabilities, which preclude them from using a mouse.

By the way, Bank Discount now handles phone calls in a centralized phone
number with support people separate from the ones in the branch.  So I
think that Shachar Shemesh's suggestion may work.  Not that I'll be able
to do anything about it personally due to my deafness (BTW, I am
customer of Bank Discount).
                                               --- Omer

On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 14:27 +0200, Kovriga, Gregory wrote:
> Is such a case there are probably better ways to act.
> Such as sending the letters to:
> 1. "moatsa le tsarhanut"
> 2. there is also government supervision over banks, there should be an 
> address for mails there too...
> Thanks,
> Gregory.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nadav Har'El [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:14 PM
> To: Shachar Shemesh
> Cc: Kovriga, Gregory; Rony Shapiro; Shlomi Fish; Linux-IL
> Subject: Re: ×××××× ×××× ××××××× ×××××× 28/02/2005
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2005, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: ×××××× ×××× 
> ××××××× ×××××× 28/02/2005":
> > What we CAN do, however, is hurt them where they'll feel it. Let's 
> > decide on a date, say - April 1st. During that day, all Discount bank 
> > Linux users are to call in, once every half an hour or so, and ask what 
> > their current balance is. State that you are waiting for your salary to 
> > come in, or something. When asked why don't you check that through the 
> > Internet, tell them you can't, as they locked you out.
> I doubt this is very likely to help. The banks apparently have two completely
> disjoint systems: 1. the human tellers and bankers in the branches, and 2. the
> compterization people working on the Internet front-end. Trying to convince
> the former that you are right, is not going to help with the latter. The
> common manager of the two "systems" is probably very high up the organization
> structure of the bank.
> A couple of years ago, when Bank Leumi's site wasn't working properly with
> Netscape (now it sort of does, if you know the back entrance...), I went to
> my banker to threaten him that I was going to leave them because they don't
> support Netscape. The banker appeared sad, asked me what Netscape was (!),
> and then said there's nothing he could do but give me the phone and watch me
> call the Internet support people. I did, and they bluntly told me that they
> don't support Netscape, don't care about Netscape, and have no plans to do
> so in the future. My banker didn't have any say in that conversation, and
> the person on the other side didn't really care if my local branch suffered
> if I left them.
> > >Considering the amount of money we all together have in this bank I would 
> > >say that lack of interest of the bank is his customers is quite 
> > >surprising...
> > > 
> > >
> > Banks are a cartel. Not surprising at all.
> And please be aware of the percentages. How much of the bank's total money
> do you think is made from home Linux users? 1%? 0.01%?
> Be true to yourself, and don't say "10%": please remember that:
>   1. all of the bank's income from businesses, loans, mashkantaot, etc.,
>      have nothing to do with Linux.
>   2. half the clients (say) don't use a computer at all to access the account.
>      Even many rich clients (think, for example, of old people).
>   3. Windows users that prefer firefox still can (and do) use IE for sites
>      such as the bank.
> Banks should support Mozilla for other reasons:
>   1. Fairness (the same reason we support handicaps, even if only 1%)
>   2. Future market share for Firefox is likely to grow.
>   3. IE 7, coming next year, might break their site if they don't check their
>      standard compliance now.
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