On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 21:53 +0000, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> No longer. The domain does not seem to be resolvable. A Google later I
> discovered http://www.ben-gurion-airport.co.il that redirects to
> www.iaa.gov.il and renders just fine with Mozilla. There are prominent
> links to real-time flight schedules and planned flight schedules -
> looks like a replacement.
> Click on a link, and get "dafdefan lo mat'im" from
> http://www.iaa.gov.il/Rashat/he-IL/Rashot/BrowserSystemMessage.aspx
> Obviously I am using a browser that is above IE5.5, so the message is
> a lie. ;-)

I saw the BrowserSystemMessage page by clicking on the above link.
But my browser (Mozilla 1.7.5) did not bring me from any regular page
which I checked to this error page.

> Before getting seriously pissed off I configured Konqueror to
> masquerade as IE6.0 on XP and was able to look up the flight
> schedule. However, if Hamakor or anyone else wants to add IAA to a
> list of enemies of freedom, I am all for it. People who *really*
> deserve being publicly flogged with a differential SCSI cable at the
> next August penguin are the ones who created the IAA web pages -
> http://www.matrix.co.il.

The reason why I was prompted to write this letter was that Matrix
display a RedHat icon prominently at their home page, so they can be
assumed to know better than develop Linux-unfriendly Web sites.

> As a final insult the flight info pages cannot be searched from IE on
> Windows Mobile 2003 (i.e. on my iPAQ) - the pull-down buttons on the
> forms are unusable.

Offtopic here, belongs to forums like the ones in

> Now, to the technical question: is Mozilla configurable to pretend it
> is IE, like Konqueror? Couldn't find anything fast enough (Mozilla
> 1.7.3 on RHEL WS3).
                                          --- Omer
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