On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 09:09:01PM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 07:46:24PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> > There is no other explanation.
> > 
> > Just about every free program on Linux keeps a configuration file in 
> > /etc. They all fairly much carry the same format. It simply defies 
> > logic that there would be no standard library to read this 
> > configuration file in.
> > 

There are few such projects. I have yet to see one that has a
considerable following outside its natural friends. The famous
ones are probably gconf and mcop (I never used them as a programmer
and know very little about them as a user, so excuse me if they are
not a direct answer to the original question), and there are few
others - e.g. search freshmeat for 'ini'.

One more example - I have seen (but did not use myself) lua being
used also for such specific uses. It's usually considered a "general"
extension language, at the same class of e.g. tcl or guile, but is
very small and has specific features for such things.

>   Not sure I understand what you are after. Suppose there would have 
> been # include <configuration_files.h>. What API would you expect to
> find in it? What output would you expect to get from reading fstab?
> timezone? whatever?

I agree it's hard to define a language good enough for everything,
even more so good (not mearly "enough") for everything, just as there
is no programming language good for everything. Assembly might be "good
enough" for everything, and just as you would not want to use it for
everything you would not want to use any specific language for conf.

>   Does this standard library exists on other OSs?

As was already mentioned, the Windows Registry.
As far as I know, there are few such attempts also in various Unices.
Some of them even became semi-standard. E.g. nss, which is a library
for accessing the user db, etc - but I do not even know how easy it
is to add a new type for your own program. IIRC there are some more
extensive ones, maybe in AIX or in MaxOS X, but I do not know that
for sure.

BTW, IIRC, one of the visions of Be with BeOS was to clean up the
unix mess, one of the aspects being to create a unified conf format.
As we all know, Be didn't do well. It seems people do not really want
cleanness. They want features and power.

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