On 4/24/05, Alon Altman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Apr 2005, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> > Hey ppl,
> >
> > I am looking for  games for children of ages 3-10.
> > I looked around here http://happypenguin.org/list?search=children
> > but I would prefer to get more focused answers.
> >
> > Specifically I am looking for educational games
> > (e.g. teaching letter, numbers, games that need some level of thought)
> > where the instructions are given in Hebrew by a voice.
> There is gcompris, which is very nice, except that it's not in Hebrew...

Some parts of gcompris has been translated, but it is not a whole
translation. BTW, my little sister (4 years old) loves this game.  I
think I will make a desktop launcher for the game so she will be able
to play when I am not at home....


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