Friends, the following job offer is not associated with me or with
Netmask, but as a favor for a friend. It is not exactly Linux oriented,
but if there is anywhere to look for such skills, I believe this is the
right place. If you don't meet the criteria, but know a friend who
does, please forward it to him:

An experienced programmer is required for a big Israeli company to port
a device driver from Solaris to AIX.

The programmer should have experience in AIX drivers.

The project is for at least 3 months, can be part time and most of the
work can be done remote.

Some integration and testing will be needed and performed in Tel Aviv

David Silberman

Eli Marmor
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-5237338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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