On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 07:50:41AM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Ah, OK. But then again, is there a way to preserve the *paragraph*
> structure of the original document rather than the line structure?
> > 5-Do you know a good text on LaTeX2e in Hebrew? I took that from
> > a mail or HOWTO, somewhere about using LaTeX with Hebrew. As it
> > worked, I did not try further. But now I'll try to comment that
> > out. Thanks.
> I haven't used it much lately, and thus never bothered updating it. I
> did put some documentation in the Hebrew package I have prepared two
> years ago. see http://ivritex.sf.net/
> -- 
> Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                           |  best
> ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend
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> Hi Tzafrir,
You are really fast with your reactions and with your fingers.
Re your question: Can you give me a reliable criterium to recognize
automatically the "paragraph structure of the initial document" ?
If yes, I can begin to think of a way to recover it from the
(garbled) text file that I extract from it by the skin of its
Thanks for the reference. I relied on something older than that.
Cheers, Avraham

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