If you will all allow me to conclude that awfully long, frustrating, deaf convresation thread:

1) There are people who believe copyright laws should be changed to reflect current state of technology. 2) There are people that due to that belief allow themselves to break the current Israeli law. 3) There are those who break the law without any concern for the philosophical part of whether the law should be changed, just because it is easy.
4) There are those who believe that the law should not be changed.
5) several opposite point of views turn (usually) into a heated discussion of (1)+(2)+(3). 6) Most of us either already participated in this debate, and if we havent we can always send mail to people holding the opposite view. 7) That is why we have different mailing lists for discussions, technical stuff, etc.

So sum it up:
A) Hamakor will not help to break the law, even though they have no problem with changing the law. * B) Discussions (especially somehting not 100% related to Linux) are better off in other forums. If you want to debate the advantages of My-Linux-is-the-best, this mailing list might be the right forum. If you want to deal with philosophy, go get degree in that. C) Please respect the people registered to this mailing list and dont answer debatefull mails for the sake of debate (unless its Linux related).
D) dont join the thread, please.

Listening to my own request I shall finish now.

* The author have never been a part of Hamakor, its board, managament, or any other body, so Im just coping what Alon said.

Orr Dunkelman,

"If it wasn't for C, we'd be writing programs in BASI, PASAL, and OBOL", anon

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On Wed, 25 May 2005, Oron Peled wrote:

On Tuesday 24 May 2005 22:32, Shlomi Fish wrote:
... distributing a copy non-commercially isn't infringing on one's

Darn, Shlomi, are you keep mixing facts and fiction by accident
or are you trolling us?

Copyrights deals with distribution rights. If you distribute 1,000
copies of a song not copyrighted by you -- you infringed
the copyrights on this song even if you did it for charity.
[ even this isn't a theft, it is still an law breaking ]

The only thing copyrights has to do with "commercial" distribution
is in relation to "Fair Use". If you try to prove you acted
according to fair use -- than commercial distribution would
prevent this defense:
        - Example for "traditional" Israeli law:
        - For "modern" US law (you may want to look at section 107)

because traditional copyright law does not allow the copyright
holder to prohibit someone for doing that with a public work.

Ok, let's go REALLY traditional:

        "the author and authors of any map, chart, book or books already
        printed within these United States, being a citizen or citizens
        thereof....shall have the sole right and liberty of printing,
        reprinting, publishing and vending such map, chart, book or

        Signed by George Washington on May 31, 1790


Now, please Shlomi, go and read some real law documents so we
can focus on the real problems (e.g: "eternal" copyrights,
patents on generic ideas [e.g: software], etc.)

Good night (or morning),

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
ICQ UIN: 16527398

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where they want to go today" - Ronald C.F. Antony

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