Have you hear and/or tried Open Exchange (http://www.openexchange.com/).

They have an Open Source variant of it but you can also buy a version if needed and get support and (possible) some other candies as well. It has an Outlook Plugin and it gives you the functionaliy of Appointment Scheduling, checking who is available (like Exchange does) and so on.

There is also an Online Demo of it, so you can mess around with it.


Aharon Schkolnik wrote:


My company needed Microsoft Exchange/Domain Controller functionality for Windows users - shared files, appointment co-ordination, logon from any station, etc. I tried but failed to install Domain Controller, and kolab on a Linux server, and eventually gave in to pressure and installed Microsoft 2003 Server. I am now looking at how much it will cost the company for all the MS licenses needed to feed this beast, and I am more convinced that the Linux solution should be given more of a chance.

Is there anyone out there who would be willing to install a solution for us for money, very, very soon, and with definite success ? We are located in Jerusalem.


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