On Wednesday 29 June 2005 10:24, Nzer Zaidenberg wrote:
> The main goal here is to hide the source from the customer not improve
> performance or anything of the sort

1. Binarization does not give you any protection against an "attacker"
   only the self-illusion you are "protected" at the price of harder

   If you doubt this, ask yourself why it is so easy for anyone to get
   "cracked" version of any software on earth (and I mean

> This is vital because after having a system based on expect (which can
> be read natively) mysql (which support generate ddl) and php we figured
> we have our commercial system were all components are open source!!!

2. There are companies that *sells* open source software for many years.

3. The economics, however, is different:

        - It's hard to overcharge the client because he is not locked-in
          to the software vendor and can walk away with the software.

        - But the software company also saved a bundle. Can you figure out
          how much your company saved by not developing/buying a database,
          a scripting language, a web-server, etc?

So I suggest you stop whining about potential loss of "sells" when
your company profited a lot from what it didn't have to "buy".

The fact is that corporates *want* to pay for software when the following
conditions are met:

        - The software provides real value.

        - Someone stands behind the product and provides support,
          upgrades, training, customizations, etc.

        - They can trust that person/company because it is dependable,
          responsible, professional, honest, etc.

Now does your company fit the bill?

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
ICQ UIN: 16527398

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm
not sure about the universe.  [Albert Einstein].

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