On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 09:50:46AM +0300, Ira Abramov wrote:
> I thought the new question needs a new thread. any answers appreciated!
> * On a bunch of RHEL 3 machines which had winbind added; perhaps because
> of the pam games, the .bashrc are not executed (not after su -, nor when
> you ssh into the machine). Anyone care to point me in the right
> direction? the permissions on the bashrc are correct, but only root gets
> his .bashrc executed. users on the local passwd and from winbind don't.

bashrc isn't sourced on login shells, only on interactive non-login
shells. I guess root's .profile or .bash_profile sources .bashrc or
something like that.

If you are certain that it started after adding winbind, then I have
no idea. Maybe winbind/your pam changes cause the shell to be non-login?

I must admit your email caused me to spend a few minutes debugging an
annoying problem I have for a few years. I have (in both .bashrc and
profile) 'source ~/.bash_aliases'. In .bash_aliases I have
alias a=alias
and then many lines like
a j=jobs
On interactive shells (both login and non-login), it all works well.
But when I scp to this machine/account, I get many lines like
/home/didi/.bash_aliases: line 5: a: command not found
Since it causes no harm, I did not check why it's so until now. Now I
did, and after another look in 'man bash', I see
       Aliases  are  not expanded when the shell is not interactive,
       unless the expand_aliases shell option  is  set  using  shopt

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