On Sun, 2005-07-03 at 20:27 +0300, Ira Abramov wrote:
> to explain: when you use winbind and add a machine into the domain, the
> first time you look up a user she will be mapped to a local UID in an
> "idmap" database. the problem is, there is no hash function to map a
> lanman object's SID, and the idmap database fills up on a "first asked,
> first served" manner. this is a sick mess, since this means that if you
> have several machines winbound, they don't all see the same UIDs mapped
> to the same usernames, which makes NFS impossible.
Not exactly... When winbind service comes up first time, it does several
1) Enumerates trusted domains
2) Reads ALL group objects from trusted domains (including AD) and
generates GIDs by hashing objectSID (octet string LDAP syntax - actually
a byte array) attribute. 
3) Reads ALL user/computer objects and generates UIDs (same logic here) 

The problem is not with idmap database, but rather with the efficiency
of the LDAP query which asks for all user/computer objects from AD - as
I mentioned already before: in my environment winbind is crashing after
about 20 mins, while trying to enumerate accounts, failing to complete
the LDAP query.

> solution one - have one machine enumarate all the UIDs and then copy its
> idmap database, and do that again each time you add users to the AD (yuck)
> solution 2 - have the userinfo come from the AD, the authentication from
> the kerberos (as before) and ask Samba to map the ids according to LDAP
> (yuck again). that LDAP server can either run on a separate linux
> machine, or be the LDAP that is already part of the SFU, and so keeps
> those details inside the AD itself, with a "Unix attributes" tag in the
> AD management dialog.
you can share UIDs via LDAP or SQL (OpenLDAP, mySQL), but yuck indeed.

> not NIS, just LDAP. the scheme extensions alone don't let you access
> them. the SFU adds the above mentioned tag to the dialog box.
Who cares about the GUI ? SFU registers a COM object which makes the tab
show up in ADU&C (AD Users & Computers), but you can still access those
attributes from any LDAP browser/editor or using Windows CLI utilities
like dsmod/dsget/dsquery/dsadd/dsrm (surprise, surprise ! there is CLI
in Windows ;-) )
And if you want even more flexibility, search for adfind/admod in

> * On winbound machines of the RHEL 3WS variety, I could "su - user" from
> root without any problem. not so on 3ES, where I got back "su: Invalid
> password". at some point it magicly fixed itself and I  could not
> recreate it (good thing?). could it be a kerberos glitch?
Try creating user called "root" in AD and disabling the requirement for
Kerberos pre-authentication on that account ("Account" tab in ADU&C or
adding directly 0x200000 to userAccountControl attribute of the


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