As I already wrote, I'm now able to Hotsync. However, I'm still interested in 
answers to the following Bluetooth questions. BTW - as I understand it, 
Bluetooth would also be useful for Internet connection and e-mail.

On Saturday 09 July 2005 21:31, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> Bluetooth might be a solution to my Hotsync problem. The Zire 72 has
> built-in Bluetooth and I know MDK10.1 supports Bluetooth. I've Googled and
> found that connecting Palm to Linux via Bluetooth is do-able. My questions:
> 1 - Is it worth trying?
> 2 - Does anyone have hands-on experience?
> 3 - What Bluetooth dongle do you reccomend with good Linux support?

Shlomo Solomon
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