> That doesn't seem to be the problem:
> 1 - As far as I know, apache is running as group apache and 
> there's no problem with the group definition (or with any 
> other group definition).
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]$ cat /etc/group|grep apache
> apache:x:78:
> 2 - I'm talking about one machine here so the possibility for 
> different groups on different machines is not relevant.
> 3 - Even if there had been a problem as described above, I 
> don't see why it would cause the permission problem since, as 
> I already wrote, all the directories in the path have the 
> search bit (x) set for owner, group and other.
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]$ ls -lad /var/www/html drwxr-xr-x  15 
> > >apache apache 720 Jul 31 00:07 /var/www/html/
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]$ ls -lad /var/www drwxr-xr-x  11 apache 
> > >apache 272 Jan 23  2005 /var/www/
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]$ ls -lad /var drwxr-xr-x  27 
> root root 680 
> > >Jan 31 20:09 /var/


Can you please re-check (DocumentRoot in httpd.conf) that Apache is
looking under /var/www/html for docs? BTW, there is some problem with
server-status too. Where is your Apache ServerRoot? What about
permissions for this dir?


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