I'm telling it as they tell me.

People who are aware of the incompatibility between MS Office document versions are more likely to try something else in the hope the document will open somehow. And with OO, it does, even if the formatting is ****d.

The document I receive is only one part. The bigger part is the document I need to send back to the client. Will it look the same on the client's machine?

Ask this in a different way: If you send an advanced (with advanced features) document made with Office 2000 and they receive it with Office 97, will it look the same ? (answer: like [EMAIL PROTECTED] it will, even if it does not freeze their system or crash Office by throwing a VBA exception).

Next you will tell me that you have to stay compatible with your clients and so you need to maintain all necessary Office versions active on your system. That is one [EMAIL PROTECTED] of an answer for someone who could use OO and simply click 'save/send as Office 97 document' or straight PDF, since you care so much about how it looks.

These guys are in the upgrade-or-die business. This is their bread and butter. They are not even compatible with themselves given a 3-4 year span between the generating and the reading software versions. If they would be, then the users would have no incentive to upgrade.


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