On Tuesday, 4 בOctober 2005 00:30, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> OK, I tried now and installed the Flash plug-in, but it should come
> with it pre-installed like in MS IE. 

Last time I had a new windows(XP) 'puter to play with it didn't come 
with flash installed. When I got to a flash web site it downloaded and 
installed flash almost automatically, I just had to click one "ok" 
button to do that so its understandable if you missed that (with all 
the next,next,finish you do when installing Windows, whats one more 

> I also had to "agree" to some 
> legal BS which I didn't even bother reading.  

I also saw an EULA in the flash install dialog IE brought up. It was 
just one of dozens of other EULAs I had to read and agree to when 
installing windows, so I thought nothing more of it.

> I hate having to agree 
> to legal terms when installing software.  A true Free Software should
> not come with terms.

Only one problem with that argument - Flash isn't free. Flash is a 
proprietary piece of software (much like windows or IE for that matter) 
and carries legal terms with it. 
Don't like it? you can stop clicking on the "this site requires plugins" 
icons, as unlike with IE you have a choice here.


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