On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 01:53:17AM +0300, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> Oded Shimon wrote:
> >It's much much more than that. People are scared of change, they are 
> >scared and revoke anything that is different than the "norm", you could 
> >make a PERFECT windows clone in KDE somehow, and let people use that, 
> >telling em it's windows and they'd be happy, give them the exact thing and 
> >tell them it's NOT windows but something else, they'd revoke it, saying 
> >it's horrible, they don't want it, etc etc.
> >My sister refused to switch to firefox, i kept trying to encourage her and 
> >my parents over and over and they simply kept refusing. I installed 
> >firefox, removed the internet explorer icon and put the an internet 
> >explorer icon on firefox, imported bookmarks, and let them use firefox for 
> >quite a while without knowing it. it was fine for about a month, till at 
> >some point they realized it was firefox when some site blocked them 
> >(israeli sites, blech), and then they started yelling at me like mad that 
> >i gave them that horrendous prog and demanded internet explorer back..
> It's not nice to cheat your relatives :-)
> I understand why people don't like changing.  You have to learn so much
> to use a computer, people don't want to start all over from the
> beginning.  Especially for non-geeks it's so difficult.  If they get
> used to something, they don't want to change.  They also don't want to
> be different than most of their friends.  If most of their friends are
> using something, they will use it too.  That's why people prefer
> Windows, MS Office, IE etc.  It's easy to use, everyone use it, and they
> got used to it.  They don't want to get used to anything else.

Because you're also their "sysadmin" and suppose to maintain their
system. With IE they keep getting a feeling of "where do you want to get
hacked?". This is because of the poor record of Microsoft, that has left
the door open for "security" companies like Symantec who sell you their
products and services using scare tactics.

I don't want my users to be in constant threat. And I rather avoid
paying Symantec for that if I don't have to.

Not to mention that FireFox is simply better than IE and provides a
better exprince. Install FoxyTunes, ForcastFox and other toys. Show them
the difference.

Anyway, for the few poor sites, there is IEView.

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