I understand your point.
But as it stands, I rather have half open driver that works and gives me
Windows-like OpenGL performance then have a fully-open driver that
doesn't support acceleration (nv) or worse, nothing at all.


On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 12:40 +0200, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 12:19:46PM +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > With a little bit of luck, the FOSS community may persuade nVidia to
> > release bigger chunks of their driver. (Currently only a small part of
> > the drivers, the kernel "glue" is semi-open and can be modified)
> Not intending to start a flame war, but mostly open is like mostly
> dead or mostly pregnant, just not good enough. It's either open or it
> isn't, and if it isn't, it's not interesting.
> RMS-ly yours,
> Muli

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