On 11/11/05, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Quoting Yonah Russ, from the post of Sat, 05 Nov:
> On the other hand, qmail is such a pain to install (I mean download, patch,
> patch, patch,....,patch and install) it ends up wasting more time than any
> server update.

I apt-get install qmail-src and the patching and building is done for
me. I know no other secure and smooth-looking free pop-toaster than a
qmail+qmailadmin+vpopmail combo and from my experience it has the lowest
maintenence demands compared to any of the other options I have had the
"pleasure" of admining.

I found that the standard debian qmail didn't have the features I needed and then you have the even more annoying job of patching something that has already been patched.

In general I prefer IMAP microwaves over pop toasters anyway ;)


yes, it bothers me it's not anywhere near GPL-complience, but I give DJB
a lot of credit for for being a stubborn bastard where it counts. fact
is that less security-critical bits of his published work are licensed
almost as loosely as public-domain. his reasoning behind the strict
Qmail distribution requirements is that many bugs get introduced during
recompilations and ports that the original author is not able to
control. he used to give the wide varaity of sendmail versions that once
proliferated and at the time, there were indeed cases where the SunOS'
sendmail had a sechole that did not happend on other vendors' sendmails
since the source was radicly changed by Sun, yet still called Sendmail.
If it was the case today I'd understand his reasoning, but those days
are over.

I offered him once to release Qmail under the GPL and under a different
name, so there was sure to be no confusion if a man would want to
compile the original or get a precompiled deriviative. sadly I never got
a reply from him on the matter.

Options that face the community:

1. rewrite the bloody thing from spec and make it GPL (lots threaten to
do it but never do)

2. redist with patches and a script to automate patching and
installation (done in many places in different ways)

3. bug DJB some more.

4. fork the code under a different name and give attribute to DJB, It's
not clear from his blurb if that's legitimate or not. I should look into

5. Swallow the redist frog, distribute it as binaries as DJB instructs
and maintain location links for compatibility.

6. continue regarding it as the niche solution that it has become, and
use it only when it's the best solution (hey wait, that IS the case,
afterall no distro comes with it as the default MTA!)

> > I set up an anti-qmail page at:
> >
> > http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/anti/qmail/
> >
> > Comments, suggestions, corrections and flames are welcome.

The concept of an "anti page" is in itself a bit rude and vulgar, the
idea that your very personal opinions and misinformation is not marked
as such is dishonest and I personally find it odd that someone whould
take so much time and energy to attack a perfectly good, a-moral and
popular product and d×–monize it (excuse the pun).

but then again, it's a Fish-ism and I've come to accept them as
necessary evi^H^H^Hweirdness.

The silver lining
Ira Abramov

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