[This is a question, which really belongs more to the Hackers-IL mailing
list to Linux-IL, but the thread started here so I am continuing it in
the same mailing list.  Apologies to those who are not interested in the
I am crossposting to both mailing lists, and suggest that those who are
interested subscribe to Hackers-IL and follow it up there.]

The question is how to make a translation Web site pay for itself.

In principle, a Web 2.0 level Web site needs two flows of resources:
1. Information - from visitors, who contribute content.  Like those who
edit articles in Wikipedia.
2. Cash - to pay for hosting the Web site, for a Webmaster to supervise,
manage and improve it, for a sysadmin to grow the hosting infrastructure
as needed, for motivating the innovator who had the original idea.

Usually, Web sites can utilize Google AdSense to generate some cash
flow.  Visitors browse the Web site, and as they look for additional
resources, they click through relevant ads, which they happen to see.
The visitors are in information search mode, and are receptive to
looking for additional information in targetted ads.

Therefore, AdSense is good for both them and the Web site owner.

However, when one wants to do a translation, one wants to be
concentrated on the task on hand.  One does not want to be distracted by
links (unless they lead to thesaurus-like information) or ads.

Therefore, AdSense would be neither helpful nor effective in a
translation Web site.

Does anyone have a bright idea how to generate revenue from a
translation Web site, in lieu of targetted ads?
Of course, this should not be based upon subscription fees, exacting
micropayments from visitors, relying upon donations from grateful
companies and individuals, or other forms of coercion.
                                             --- Omer
[Thanks to Shlomi Fish for mentioning the Web 2.0 article in
http://www.paulgraham.com/web20.html, which inspired me to ask this
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