On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 08:00:38PM +0200, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 January 2006 19:06, Oron Peled wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 31 בJanuary 2006 16:02, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> > > > 2 - I don't know why these e-mails are being sent to
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and get
> >
> > Two important notes about mail:
> > 1. localhost should resolve to your loopback address. If mail
> >    to this host isn't received correctly, than you still have mail
> >    configuration problem (many other subsystems will try to send mail
> I agree, but I have no idea why this is the case. localhost is defined 
> in /etc/hosts. I also tried changing from localhost to localhost.localdomain 
> but that didn't solve the problem.
> BTW - mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  OR to root does arrive.
> Any ideas??
> >    to this address [e.g: think about cron jobs running for root]).
> but I DO get mail from cron jobs running for root
> > 2. It's very bad idea to read mail as root (just like it's bad to
> >    browse the web as root -- security, security). The correct solution
> >    for this is to create a global mail alias from the local root to your
> >    non-root user. In sendmail, simply update /etc/aliases and reload the

Wietse Venema agrees with you. Postfix will flatly refuse to deliver mail 
to root. You must provide such an alias. 

> I guess you didn't see my previous post, but I already wrote that I have an 
> alias and get root mail as solomon

Indeed, the problem is that that postfix figured that that message had
to be sent away to some remote destination and not handled at this local


  /usr/sbin/postconf mydestination

to see which hosts are considered "targets". I guess you simply need to
add 'localhost.localdomain' to the parameter 'mydestination' in


Reloading postfix after that might be useful.

> >    service (I suspect that postfix use the same file, but haven't checked).
> On Mandriva it's /etc/postfix/aliases, but according to postfix documentation 
> it can also be /etc/aliases.
> I wonder if the "alias" mechanism could help here, although I doubt it. If I 
> understand it correctly, alias is used only for user names, not for a fully 
> defined [EMAIL PROTECTED] Am I right?

No, no problem with the aliases file. It simply didn't get to local

Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |                           |  best
ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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