ביום שלישי, 7 בפברואר 2006, 12:17, נכתב על ידי Geoffrey S. Mendelson:
> As for asterisk being "great" what is the alternative?

Alternatives are good, specially when we speak of asterisk. We all remember 
what happened Monday two weeks ago. (some bug in ast 1.2.2 prevented the 
voice forwarding on SIP channels, funny, it had to do with time, and then all 
the phones in the world stopped working at the same time). That introduced 
1.2.3. The fastest release ever (about 12 hours to release... how cool...)

Now, we are seeing 1.2.4 which prevents a memory leak. Yes, right. I am sure I 
can find a another one way sooner then you think. (IMHO it still leaks like a 

I suggest you sticking to 1.0.10. The memory leaks are not that huge there.

Regarding the alternatives, you have some dudz who forked 1.0.X it and call 
openpbx. The other is some GNU project which I don't even remember it's name. 
The version on debian is not usable BTW, get the cvs code.

If you don't like Asterisk, use nezeq or skype ;)

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