Omer Zak wrote:

>Thanks also to Gilboa Davara, Gilad Ben-Yossef and Muli Ben-Yehuda for
>responding to this.
>Now, I need the techl's:
>1. What (if any) should I write in the grub.conf file in my laptop to
>properly boot from /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686?
>2. Is there any other configuration, which I need to carry out?
I'm afraid we need to abandon the initramfs direction. Initramfs is
appended to the actual kernel, and has little to do with initrd. In
essence, initramfs is an internal restructuring of things the kernel
traditionally did, which it no longer does. It does not cover the same
purpose as initrd does for Debian, and is therefor irrelevant to this
conversation (almost)

Which does not change what I said before.

Ok, having looked a little into the package description, here is the
gist of it:
Debian switched from mkinitrd (which used cramfs) to yaird, which seems
to claim to use initramfs. Unlike what was said earlier, however, they
do not inject this initramfs into the kernel, but rather load it via the
initrd mechanism. Looking at the actual generated image, I can't seem to
find anything fundemnetally different about it from images generated by
mkinitrd (aside from the use of cpio instead of cramfs, that is). Under
grub, the image is defined as usual (using the initrd= kernel option).

As for your problem, I'm not sure what to recommend to you. Try to
install "mkinitrd" and run it manually, see whether images it create
work better. make sure that yaird is installed. RTFM yaird and run it
manually. Other than that, I'm afraid I cannot help you.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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