On Friday, 17 בMarch 2006 21:22, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > Two more points I would like to clarify:
> > 1-Floppies, in my mind are important not for carying data but for
> > boot and repair in emergencies. What does one use nowadays?
> > bootable usbsticks?
> Either that, or Live Linux CDs. (There's literally hundreds of them.)
> I couple of good options:

Major distributions today (and quite a few of the minor ones) have a 
rescue mode on the main install CD where the system boots to a small 
live system (no graphics) which allows most rescue operations, 
sometimes aided by user friendly menus.

The SuSE rescue mode (from the 10.1 beta, which is what I tried) is 
excellent and offers everything you need to automatically rescue your 
system from common mishaps, as long as its a SuSE system. 
Mandriva's rescue is far more general, offers less automation but gives 
you shell with all drives and drivers automatically detected, if the 
minimal rescue menu doesn't help you.
Fedora's rescue mode (current to FC4) is horrible - it basically gives 
you a very 90-esque shell and let you figure it all yourself, but at 
least its there.


Buffy:  "There's no problem that cannot be solved by chocolate."
Willow: "I think I'm gonna barf."
Buffy:  "Except that."
                  --- from "Buffy" - "Fear itself"

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