thanks, worked like a charm. i didn't know the fd's were accessible
files. silly me...
ah, that's 4 days of processing (65GB!) rescued!

On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 17:04:02 +0200, "Maxim Vexler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 3/19/06, Dvir Volk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, so I made a very stupid mistake and this is the situation:
> > I have a running process with an open FD to a file, but the file was
> > deleted by rm, hence it's not addressable from anywhere in the
> > filesystem (ext3). once i close the process, the file will be deleted.
> > Is there anyting i can do to recover the file and link it to another
> > filename, so it won't be deleted when the process exits?
> Sure.
> <<<
> ls -la /proc/{PID}/fd | awk  '/(deleted)/ { print "cp "$8" "$10 }'
> >>>
> See which one(s) you need to relink and then just run the command.
> * This on debian 3.1-sarge, other distributions might have a different
> output for `ls -la` ?
> > --
> >   Dvir Volk
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Cheers,
> Maxim Vexler (hq4ever).
> Do u GNU ?
  Dvir Volk

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