On 3/26/06, Uri Even-Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe HTML & CSS should have a better standard, something like PDF.  So
it will be possible to create websites which look the same for users of
all browsers.  If people have a specific sight problem, their case could
be handled specifically.  For example, by zooming in and out of a page,
or changing colors etc.

Not to start a war or anything but you obviously have no clue how much work goes into writing the standards at the W3C. You have probably never read the standards and if you read them, you obviously didn't understand them or how to use them.

The Internet is about publishing information and not about making websites. Websites are just a byproduct. The key to the success of the internet is the way it works. Anyone can decide how and what to do with the information you put on the internet. Spiders can index it, make it searchable. Other programs can decide if your business is doing well by monitoring news traffic and analyst columns.  Other programs can filter it so kids don't see things they shouldn't. People who are blind can listen to it and people that are deaf can read it. The key is that the browser decides what to do with it and it is not a bad thing.

I'm not saying the standards are perfect. They are for sure not, but there is no way to create a standard to handle everyone's problems- the standard defines that people can handle their own problems however they want and it's the web designers job to give them all the information they need in order to do so.


Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

Phone: +972-9-7715013
Website: www.uri.co.il

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