I am using Bank Hapoalim with firefox with no problems.
About the left to right, just do a refresh after you first enter the
site and it reverses back to right to left.

Ori Idan

Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> Skliarouk Arieh wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to choose credit card service that is firefox friendly. From
>> my experience, "isracard.co.il" is not friendly.
> Slightly off topic, but bank websites are also not compatible with
> Firefox.  For example, Bank Hapoalim website (the only one I checked so
> far) is not compatible with Firefox.  Unless you prefer to read Hebrew
> from left to right!  (and that's not the only problem).
> I think most credit card companies, banks, government offices etc. just
> assume that all of us either use, or at least are able to use, MSIE.
> But this didn't prevent MS from declaring that it's NOT a monopoly in
> Israel and the authorities agreed with them until recently.
> Uri.
> Phone: +972-9-7715013
> Website: www.uri.co.il
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