Quoting Geoffrey S. Mendelson, from the post of Sun, 23 Apr:
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 02:01:37AM +0300, Alon Altman wrote:
> > Why not? It is trivial to add a google search box to the archives. In the
> > meanwhile, just add site:mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/linux-il/
> But then those of us who boycott Google would leave the list. 

Oh no! it will be like the mass exodus of 2001! Don't you remember?
that's when Bush introduced the PATRIOT act, and many people coycotted
the Internet since IPv4 is an American invention! Lucky I have this
little bot posting this for me since the real Ira will never use IP

(Warning, trying to figure out if the above paragraph contains false
facts is a violation of the DMCA. If you are curious enough to risk
that, I say chalk up another reason to boycott the Internet altogether,
as it is a well known fact that excercising uncontrolable curiosity is
claiming thousands of feline lives world-wide, possibly also the lives
of several chinese reporters by the hands of the merciless Yahoo!

Disclaimer: The above text is general sarcasm, It should not be seen as
aimed at any specific person or persons on the list, any flames will be
recorded and used against you in a court of law under the "I'm rubber,
you're glue" act.

I know you are but what am I?
Ira Abramov

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