I think everything suggested so far is way to complicated.
Have all your servers mount a directory(lets call it "cronserver") and store all your scheduled scripts there.
You can then configure a single cron job (or as many as you want- daily, hourly, etc.) to run one or more generically named scripts to be located in your cronserver directory
The generic scripts can decide when run, what server they are being run on and perform the appropriate actions if any.

for example-
have every server run /mnt/cronserver/daily.sh

in daily.sh on your cronserver do
if (var==server1) then run /mnt/cronserver/server1.daily
if (var==server2) then run /mnt/cronserver/server2.daily

Now everything can be stored, edited, etc. from one central location.
If you want more complicated scheduling you could add it any number of ways depending on the resolution you're looking for.


On 4/26/06, Chen Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I probably didn't explain myself well, because I seem to get suggestions
that are a bit different from what I had in mind.

The idea is that I have jobs that I want every machine in my network to
do on a schedule: backups, exports, generate daily reports, delete
garbage files, run a test, etc. etc.
I want to be able to schedule all of this from a central location, with
some dependencies between jobs (If backup failed, don't delete files)
and to receive a report on the status of the jobs.

I think that PBS and condor (and the other systems which Oleg suggested)
deal with a different problem: I have 50 heavy tasks to run, 20 servers
and I don't care which server does what task as long as they run. In my
case, backups aren't that heavy, but I care very much which server runs
backup and when.

Am I missing something?


PS. Marc, I'd love to attend the revival. I can also be a su-chef if its
still needed.

-----Original Message-----
From: marc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:38 AM
To: Yedidyah Bar-David
Cc: Chen Shapira; linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il
Subject: Re: Need recommendation for task scheduler

Hash: SHA1

Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> We used for some years, in cs.tau, openpbs. It mostly worked, but for
> some reasons we were not happy with it. A few years ago we moved to
> condor. I did not work with it much, so I don't have an opinion. It's
> rather big and complex, but seems to do the job.

OpenPBS is a batch queue system. While nice enough, it had severe
limitations and was flaky.

Condor, on the other hand, is a horrifying piece of unadulterated condor
manure. And - it is a NOW system.

OpenPBS was replaced by PBS Pro. Which works, is less flaky that
OpenPBS, is scriptable, but is neither cheap nor simple. I implemented
one for a client of mine, recently.

There are other options.

Hiya chen. D'ya want to come to the revival?


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