On 5/15/06, Avraham Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 02:31:23AM +0300, Chaim Keren Tzion wrote:
>... My recommendation: Exchange the usbkey for a new one. There is a 255 to 1
> chance that the replacement, even the same brand, will be okay. You can also
> just recompile your kernel and remove the cumana support but one day you may
> want to use the usbkey on another machine that you will discover has this
> obscure partition type enabled in its kernel and you will be usb-diskless, so
> to speak. That will not be a happy day.
> --
> Chaim Keren Tzion
> +972-54-811-9234
Thanks Chaim. Icannot follow your advice: I got this key as a
birthday, a couple of months ago.
But the danger that I'll try to use the key on another linux
system presenting the same problem is very low in my case... I
shall recompile the kernel, instead.
Now, in the documentation coming with the kernel source they
recommend to use GCC vesrion 2.95.3. That is teribly old, and
probably hard to get. I guesss the documentation is not updated.
I recall that there was a time, 2 or 3 years ago when they
recomended to use the old 2.95.x version of gcc to compile the
kernel, while using the newer version for everything else. This
is, probably, long time passe. But, to be on the safe side, what
is the present recommendation?

Indeed README still talks about 2.95.3, which was latest stable many
years ago :)

When you're not sure which version to use the best practice is to use
default gcc which came with your distribution: it should be compatible
with your kernel. My 'gcc -v' reports
version 3.4.5 and produced working 2.6 kernel images.

Another advice is to reuse existing kernel configuration from
/proc/config.gz, just change relevant kernel option and use 'make
oldconfig' build procedure.

Cheers, Avraham

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