While the files are still being used, the space will not be available. If you restart your syslogd service, you will reclaim the missing space.


Shlomo Solomon wrote:

I had what I think was a hardare problem with my TV card and ended up with 
huge log files that completely filled up my / partition. My only way out was 
to delete a 6 Gb /var/log/syslog and a 3 Gb /var/log/kernel/info from the 
command line.

After deleting both files, df still reports that I'm using about 3 Gb more 
than I believe I am. Here's the output from df and du:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5              12G  5.1G  6.7G  43% /

[EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]# du / -x
0       /.qt
7.9M    /bin
0       /dev
28K     /etc/ft/cfg

<< snip snip snip >>

4.0K    /ggg-hda
0       /logwatch.WV9ApJ34
4.0K    /initrd
0       /logwatch.PJLkZHDq
1.8G    /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]#      

I suspect that for some reason the 3 Gb file is still taking up space, even 
though I can't see it. Is it possible the inodes are still in use, and if so, 
how do I clean this up? Is there an easier way than booting with a rescue CD?



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