On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 10:43:56AM +0300, Amit Aronovitch wrote:
> Avraham Rosenberg wrote:
> >   
> Hmm... Seems that the amd64 version is only available for unstable
> (which is the flavor I use)...
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=octave2.9&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all
> If you really need it, you could add unstable to your sources.list
> (just make sure to put
> Apt::Default-Release "testing";
> in your apt.conf if you wish to avoid a wholesale upgrade to sid).
> But, of course, let's not put the cart before the horse - we must have a
> working compilation first...
>    Amit
Hi Amit,
1-I do have the unstable sources. But they only allow me to
install specific programs, using the -t unstable option, as my
preferences file only lists stable and testing packages. For the
time being I won't install the unstable octave, as it is a big
package with lots of dependencies and would practically mean
going over to unstable, which I am still reluctant to do. The big
advantage of a build from sources is that it erects a separate
subsystem in /usr/local, which is easily thrown away if it affects 
too much the stability of the syatem.
2-Another possibility which does not take much more disk space
(and with nowadays' big disks, who cares anyway ?), is to install
a separate unstable distribution, just for that. I tried to do
it, but, during the bootstrap of the 32-bit chroot system, I
received a "cannot download the base configuration package"
message. I retried a couple of days later with the same result.
Did you have a similar experience? I used the same mirror 
(http://debian.inode.at/debian-amd64/debianat) which allowed me
to build the first 64-bit system.
3-I did not know about the possibility of tweaking the apt.conf 
that you mentioned. Where can I read about that ? I only know
about pinning (I was never able to guess what numbers should I
write to get the desired result) and the way I mentioned before.
Cheers, Avraham

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