
While not exactly hopeful, I wonder whether anyone has successfully ran one
of the following under Linux/Wine (the order listed being the order of

        Atmel AVR Studio
        Zilog ZDS II
        Microchip MPLAB

Note that I _did_ get ZDS to run, but not to actually connect. The net is
full of horror stories, very few success stories (i.e. for Studio 3, etc)
and no consistent results.

My own attempts under were under Wine 0.9.9 and Wine 0.9.14...

So - I will probably be using VMWare/Windows (other solutions seem to be
immature or very fat) and it is here that my main question lies - which
windows disto is the least fat? i am somewhat leaning towards win2k which
is probably sufficient...

Hmmm... I will need to scrap my own Windows and install 2k... No problem
with that.


Marc A. Volovic                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Swiftouch, LTD                                             +972-544-676764

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