Thank you Avraham and Oded.
El mar, 19-09-2006 a las 02:21 +0300, Oded Arbel escribió:
> On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 21:13 +0300, Julian Daich wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > A pooling question. Do you have any experience on Opera?
> I'm using Opera 9 from time to time. I have used older versions of Opera
> browser in the past.
> > It does improve the surfing performance at the Israeli websites? It
> > haves any advantage over Konqueror?
> I can't say that it does - I'm not using Opera 9 to browse Israeli
> sites, but from a cursory examination I did just now it looks ok, though
> definitely not better then Konqueror or Firefox. Opera 8 was a disaster.
> > It is not for me but for a newbie who is suffering from the Israeli
> > Websites´ Microsoft Disease. I´m thinking to suggest trying Opera for
> > web browsing, but I will prefer to have a well based argument before.
> While I like Konqueror as a browser (almost as much as I like its file
> management capabilities), I feel that Firefox provides a more solid
> browsing experience, and I recommend using it for any purpose. There are
> some specific badly written websites (some of them Israeli) which may
> have some features missing or working improperly on Firefox and using
> these sites with Konqueror may or may not allow you to access some of
> these missing features - but I don't have concrete examples at the
> moment and I suggest that these issues be solved on a site-to-site
> basis.
I personally use de combination Firefox/ IE under Wine but I found that
Konqueror was much more powerful in viewing Israeli sites. Since the
major advantages that I found in Firefox are the 1) frequent security
patches, 2) its extensions( they are very useful in fact, but not for
somebody who is not technically skilled as the person that I trying to
help) and 3) the integration with other no- KDE applications, I will not
recommend to her to install neither Firefox or Opera.



> --
> Oded
> ::..
> Dawson : "Like all great romantics, Shakespeare realized love was a lot
> more likely to end with a bunch of dead Danish people than with a kiss."
>     -- from 'Dawson's Creek'
Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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