On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 07:18:38PM +0300, guy keren wrote:

> > foo / # chroot /chroot /bin/bash
> > bash-3.1# ./bar
> > foo / # ls
> > bin  boot  chroot  dev  etc  home  lib  lost+found  mnt  opt  proc  root  
> > sbin  
> > sys  tmp  usr  var
> > foo / #
> your program is flawed, and you didn't see it because you didn't check
> any errors in it, neither have you read the man page of 'chroot(2)'.
> according to the man page, chroot does NOT change the directory. you
> need to change it explicitly in your code. so your program did not
> create the so-called "root jail" properly. if you had added a 'chdir'
> into the new directory, and then did 'chroot "."', then you'd have done
> your job (more) properly.

Sigh.  His program didn't create a chroot() jail, IT WAS BREAKING OUT OF
ONE.  Precisely as described in the chroot(2) manual page.  Chroot jails
are not safe against root.

> if you add error printings to your code, you'll see that your last execl
> fails with 'no such file or directory'.

Huh?  He showed you the output of his program.

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